Timer and temperature controller 2 in 1 PID
-Key features
Temperature and time are two variables that you get to see a lot in temperature control system. A typical process would be bring the temperature of the system to a setting value and hold the temperature at the setting value for a specific time range. And then shut down the system and terminate the heating process. Here is typical working flow charts
1) Turn on the system
2) Put setting value in the controller , for example, 400 degree celcius
3) Temperature of the system starts to go up to 400 degree from the ambient temperature
4) When temperature reach to SV (400 degree) and stays at 400 degree for roughly 5 seconds
5) The built-in timer engaged automatically and hold the temperature at 400 degree for 60 minutes, ( the time duration is also configurable, can be 60 minutes, or any time duration you want)
6) The output of the controller continues to work during the time duration and hold the temperature at setting value
7) After preset time range elapsed, the heating of the system will be terminated, and the lower display of the controller shows “END” indicates that the program is come to an END, alarm 2 relay from the alarm can be programmed to pull-in , an external buzzer can be connected to alarm 2 relay, when program ends, the alarm 2 relay pull-in and the external buzzer generates sound and light to alert people at the ground that the program has come to an END.
● Pantalla dual, 4 dígitos, pantalla LED de 7 segmentos
● Entrada universal (TC/RTD)
● PID, ajuste automático de PID, modo de control ON-OFF
● Temporizador incorporado + controlador de temperatura
● Varios modos de activación del temporizador
● El temporizador se puede activar cuando PV llegar a SV
● La salida de relé para el temporizador se puede configurar como demora de encendido o apagado
● Indicadores LED disponibles para indicar el estado del programa
● El usuario puede verificar cuánto tiempo transcurrió
● El programa se puede cancelar durante el proceso
● Función de retención de memoria
● C Pantalla /F seleccionable
● Precisión de medición de 0,3 % FS
● Pantalla gráfica de barras
● Alimentación auxiliar RS-485 de 24 V CC